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Sports Center Son Hugo

son hugo

Sports: swimming, cycling, yoga...


Street de la Concòrdia, s/n 07004 Palma (Illes Balears)
View on Google Maps
Contact information
Phone: 971 75 71 50

The opening hours of the sports centre are:

Monday to Friday: From 8:00 hrs until 22:30 hrs
Saturdays: From 8:00 hrs until 22:00 hrs
Sundays: From 8:00 hrs until 15:00 hrs
**The sports facilities will close half an hour before the closing of the actual sports centre in order to give users time to have a shower.

Office opening hours:

Monday to Thursday: From 8:00 hrs until 14:30 hrs
Fridays: From 8:00 hrs until 13.30 hrs


Les instal·lacions romandran tancades els dies: 25 i 26 de desembre, l'1 de gener, Diumenge i dilluns de Pasqua.

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Date last modified: June 10, 2024